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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Time Management - Access & Improve

Access: In some cases, a person may be painfully aware of his/her poor time management. Other people may be wasting time right and left without any knowledge that they could manage their time differently. While evaluating time management is not an exact science, reflecting on some of these questions can help you examine your time management skills:
Do you feel and appear frazzled? If you consistently feel that you are playing catch-up, you could use some time management work. If you are always rushing from one responsibility to the next, you likely need some help in slowing down and managing your time. In addition, ask your family and co-workers if they think you are especially frazzled; they may recognize it long before you do.
How does your schedule/day-timer look? It's not bad to have a full day, but if you have three meetings planned for the same time or if you can't see a spot on your calendar because of everything written on it, you likely want to restructure your time management.
How do you handle long-term projects? If you seem to be consistently surprised by deadlines that you had forgotten about, the problem may not be your memory but rather your time management over the previous weeks and months.
Are your meetings and conferences productive? If you leave a meeting without a plan of action, you will likely have to meet again in the near future. If your conferences spend far more time on gossip than on the issue at hand, you are wasting valuable time.
Do you tend to over promise? Promising beyond what you can deliver is one of the main causes of stress and busyness. You may be promising that you can do something in which you have no experience or that you can complete a task sooner than is truly reasonable. Regardless, you end up in a lose/lose time management situation: you're most likely not going to succeed but you're going to overwhelm yourself trying.
Improve: You're not doomed to perpetually feeling behind. You may be simply a few time management adjustments away from reduced stress and improved productivity.
Take some time to analyze yourself and then set up a schedule that fits you. Do you work better in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Do you work better from home or the office? Try to discover when and how you work best.
Then, use a calendar, a palm pilot, a simple list, or some other kind of organizational tool that helps you keep track of your responsibilities. Jot down deadlines and meetings, as well as miscellaneous items (e.g. "Have the oil changed in the car") that will be avoided indefinitely (or simply forgotten) unless you assign them to a specific time. Make these responsibility lists doable; don't overload yourself, but rather, give yourself more time than you think you need, so that you will have time left over later.
As you are organizing your responsibilities, keep your priorities in mind. In your workplace, think as a team what jobs have the highest payoff and/or the most imminent deadline. Focus yourself on these responsibilities. You will not get everything done at once, so decide what needs to be done first.
Once you begin your work, consider ways to maximize your effectiveness. For example, take a break from time to time so that you can return to work re-energized. Even though this is time away from work, your increased productivity over time will outweigh the brief absence of productivity. In addition, look for opportunities to fit in small jobs where you can. Take something to read with you to the mechanic's shop or dentist's office. Filling in all these small gaps will eliminate your wasted time.
Rather than trying to do a little bit of everything, focus on a few responsibilities and tasks and do them extremely well. Eliminate some responsibilities if you have to, so that you can do a better job on the things you continue doing.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Time Management for Working Mothers

Make the most of your time at work, at play and at being a mom.
I've been doing a lot of research on time management. Most of the information I've found has the same series of steps to follow...
Establish Your Goals
Break Goals Into Smaller tasks and Set Deadlines
Establish Your Priorities
Make Time to Plan
Delegate if Possible
Have a Flexible Schedule
Use a Scheduling System
Reward Yourself
Some of the applications involved work, going to school or other such tasks. But nowhere did I see this applied to the working mother... the woman whose time is spent in a fragile balancing act that can get knocked out of whack in one second. So, let's see how we can apply these steps to the women who need time management the most!
Establish Your Goals
This is important for the working mother.
Are you at your job to make supplemental money or is this a career and there is a position that is a goal for you? How much time do you want to spend at work vs. at home? How involved do you want to be in your children's activities? You may want to set aside weekends for your son's baseball games, in which case you need to make sure your work doesn't require weekend work. Write down all of the goals that you have as a business woman and as a mother. Make separate columns if you would like.
Break Goals Into Smaller Tasks and Set Deadlines
Typically goals can be broken up into smaller tasks, with smaller goals. For instance, let's say that one of your goals is to be a leader in one of your child's activities. You can break that goal into smaller tasks; researching different leadership roles and what's involved, determing time commitments, figuring out what interests you the most. Then you can start attacking each of these smaller tasks and set deadlines for when you want to accomplish them. If you just had the major goal - your deadline could be a year from now, but you wouldn't think to work on it for the next 11 months.
Establish Your Priorities
Prioritize your list of goals. Your priorities are your own ideas of what is more important to you and what you would like to see achieved first. You don't necessarily need to prioritize them one after the other. Maybe set up a scale of 1-3 and set all of your top goals at 1 and all your bottom goals at 3.
Make Time to Plan
Set aside time each week or month where you can plan out your schedule. Revise activities that are conflicting or don't seem to work out for you. Get the children involved if they are old enough to want some choices in the activities that they do and that you participate in.
Delegate if Possible
If you find yourself with a huge deadline at work, don't ignore the fact that your child needs a ride to her piano lessons. Call up your husband or mother or friend and ask them if they can do it.
Have a Flexible Schedule
Leave ample space in your schedule for interruptions. Try to be flexible so that if your child becomes sick you can take a day off. Your schedule is to help you, not run you.
Use a Scheduling System
Keep track of your schedule in a day planner, calendar, palm device or some other schedule. Make your schedule available to your entire family. Involve your children in creating a magnetic calendar to place on the refrigerator, where they can add in their own activities.
Reward Yourself
As you accomplish your goals, reward yourself! Take a day off from your schedule and just have some fun. It will give you something to look forward to as you're working towards completing your tasks.

Our Benefits Programs

We offer 4 main health-related programs.
1. Dental Plus – Dental (general dentistry and specialists),
vision, Rx, and chiropractic care. Indivdual cost is
$14.95/month, household is $19.95/month.
2. Basic Health – Primary Care Physicians, Specialists, ancillary
care (labs – blood work, imaging), 24-hour nurse hotline.
Househould plan only, for $29.95/month. This program only
available through paper-enrollments. It is no longer online.
3. Total Health – Dental Plus and Basic Health. Household plan only,
for $39.95/month
4. Basic Wellness - $14.95/month. This has Vision, Rx, Chiro &
We also offer 2 non-health related programs:
1. Accessaver – Savings on dining, automotive, recreation and
Shopping. Cost is $14.95/month or you can “add-on” the program
or only $10/month.
2. Secure Net – ID Theft prevention, national child ID, family legal plan,
roadside assistance and financial services. $24.95/month or $20 as
an “add-on.”
They have a 30 day money back guarantee of the first monthly fee.
It can take up to 6 weeks for a refund.
The one-time registration fee is non-refundable.
$20 for Dental Plus , Basic Wellness & Securenet
$30 for Total Health.
$5.00 for Accessaver
We can add on the the securenet program to any of our medical programs for an additional $20.00 per month and the accessaver program for an additional $10.00 per month.
We earn 30% off of the sales of our programs, with the exception of SecureNet where we earn 20%.
Important Websites: – Search for providers - 3rd party network for vision - 3rd party network for prescription – for marketing tools, group sales
and other training materials – for more on Group sales and fee zones – More on identity theft, roadside assistance,
national child ID, family legal and financial services – savings on dining, automotive, recreation,
shopping, travel and more – example of postcard advertising both
sides of business
Fee Zones:
There are 3 fee zones. Fee zones only effect the dental program.
Red, Teal, lime green.
RED – Large cities. Best discounts offered.
TEAL – Big cities. Good discounts offered
LIME GREEN – Rural areas. Least discounted

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Time Management - Managing Your Time

Take Inventory

Like money, the time that you waste (or don't use efficiently) is gone forever. And like your finances, knowing where your time is going now is the only way you will ever be able to change how you are spending it. Take a "time inventory" for a week. Mark down all of your activities and how long you spend doing each of them. This need be nothing more than a notebook, kept on a daily basis, that keeps track of your time expenditures. For example:
Time Activity Time Spent
8:15-9:30 Ironing 1.25 hours
9:30-11:15 Soccer Practice 1.75 hours
11:15-12:00 Preparation and lunch .75 hours
Find your "Time Holes"
Those are the activities that take the longest to complete but have the least benefit. An example of a "Time Hole" is spending an hour and a half combing the house looking for a lost $2.00 toy. Not only is the loss of time counter-productive, your "hourly wage" is probably worth more than $1.33 ($2.00 for the toy divided by 1 1/2 hours searching for it). Time holes are often money holes too!
It's common sense, but few people are able to carry it off. Concentrate first on things that:
1) Have the most pressing demands
Health issues
Repairing dangerous items
Paying bills
Are necessary to maintaining your job
2) Contribute meaningfully to the welfare of the family
"Family Time"
Teaching children
Improving our job performance
3) Those items that can be put off until a "better time" (especially those items that others "dump" on us--when they could better be handled on their own!)
Forget Perfectionism
If it takes 2 hours to "perfect" what should take 30 minutes to "do right," why waste the time? It is far better to complete 5 tasks adequately than to do a single one to absolute perfection and leave the other 4 undone (this is when tasks and projects "back up" and we feel time stress breathing down our necks.
Learn to Delegate
Don't say, "it's better if I just do it myself" when doing so does not leave you enough time to complete the tasks you need to do. Yes, it is true that delegation will require training and monitoring of those to whom you delegate, but generally, once the training has been completed, it is almost always easier to monitor a task tha n it is to do it yourself. Who do you delegate to? Spouses and children who are capable of doing certain tasks (but who often seem to want to leave the tasks to you!)
Do. Don't talk.
You'll get a whole lot more accomplished if you simply plan your tasks and then do them. We often spend so much time talking about an activity--to our spouses, children, friends and neighbors--that we actually steal time (or force it to a later time) from the task itself. Do it. Get it done. Get over it!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Time Management - Time Stealers

The bigger time stealers....
Know the difference between wasting time and enjoying time. Doing nothing but enjoying a sunset with the family probably isn't wasting time, but yapping endlessly on the phone with someone you really don't want or need to talk to, is! Keep mental track of exactly how you are spending your time. You will probably find that a good portion of it is wasted. Even if you convert only ten percent wasted time into enjoying time, you are making progress.
Cut down on interruptions. Starting and finishing a task is much more difficult when you are interrupted every few minutes. Get caller ID and don't answer the phone if you don't want to talk to the caller. Give the children something to do while you complete the tasks you need to get done. You will be much more effective if you start a task, and take it to completion before starting another. Jumping from project to project usually means that you end up with a lot undone. Plus, you will get a sense of accomplishment as you bring each task to a close.
Develop a schedule. You must determine that you will schedule your day. This is the time for this activity. No other. Learn to say, politely, NO, to any unnecessary disruptions of your schedule.
Set realistic deadlines for yourself and other family members. Don't expect things to be done before they can realistically be completed, but don't allocate too much time to each project.
Use the Internet to save time. There is a wealth of information out there, saving time going to the library, shopping, planning trips, etc. You are probably aware, though, that as much of a time saver the Internet can be, it can also be a horrible time waster if you are not able to control your online time!
And some smaller ones...
Plan shopping trips. Combine as many shopping expeditions into one as possible. Lay out an intelligent route that circles you back home. Use your shopping list--laid out the way the store is laid out. If at all possible, leave the children at home (you'll cut trip times by a bunch!) or, if you have to take them, get them involved according to their age and ability. It will keep them occupied and may actually help. Shop at "unpopular" times if possible. Sundays are often the worst day for shopping and the traffic and standing in line can sometimes double your shopping time.
Have a set place for frequently used items. Ever wasted 20 minutes looking for your car or house keys? Lost a half hour hunting down your glasses? Get into the habit of always placing such frequently needed items in exactly the same place, every time.
Save time by preparing. For example, have your outfit and your children's outfits put out and ready the night before rather than rushing around trying to get them ready as you prepare for work and school.
Shop at stores where the service is better (meaning faster). Saving 5 minutes driving time by going to a grocery store where you always seem to wait an extra 20 minutes in line (due to poor service) actually costs you time.
Buy stamps by mail. A little one that can save a lot of time. Have you been to the Post Office lately? Talk about wasting time! Standing in line for 15 minutes or more just to buy stamps when it can be accomplished in just a few seconds.
Sort the mail over the wastebasket. If a piece of mail is necessary, file it. If its not, pitch it. You'll save lots of time not shuffling around old, worthless mail.

Five Ways To Stay Focused in Your Home Office

1. Create a to-do list.
Give your work structure by using a PDA like Blackberry or Palm Pilot date book, scrap paper, Earnware as it's important to write down your goals for the DAY, WEEK & MONTH.
By checking off a task on this To Do List you will feel accomplished
2. Schedule your time.
When are you most productive?
Structure your time so it works for you and your family.
Schedule your time for speaking to prospects, training calls, team members, family and personal time.
3. Shut the door.
It is easier to screen out distractions when you can shut a door.
4. Spouse or family member watches kids.
Ask a friend or family member to keep an eye on the kids while you get some much needed and undistracted work done.
Speak with other moms about play date swapping.
5. Invest in a Headset.
A headset allows you to multi-task and you can accomplish more by using one. You can walk around and do your house chores while you are prospecting to build your business.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I just saved about $50 on my move with FreedomPass... my budget rent a truck was dropped from $39.95 per day to $29.74 per day AND from 89cts to 76cts per mile! My skeptical hubby who thought freedompass was just a gimmick had me look around the web to see if I could get that savings some other way.... well the best I could find was $34.95 per day at 89ct per mile with 1.5% cash back thru Ameriplan clearly had a the better rate. I still used ebates in conjunction with my freedompass order to get the best rate AND the cash back. I will have the truck for 2 days so big savings! I almost fell outta my chair when I saw it! Thanks Ameriplan for saving me big again!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Insurance vs. Ameriplan®

How do the Dental Benefits work with Insurance? Your AmeriPlan® card will work with most dental insurance plans in these money-saving ways: 1. Your cost for each procedure will be reduced, reducing your remaining co-pay. (Note: Your dental office will make necessary adjustments in your final co-pay, but by law your insurance company must be billed the same amount as other patients.) 2. Since your cost per procedure is reduced, your annual 'cap' (usually around $1000 - $1500 per year) stretches further, giving you more value for your premiums! 3. Many procedures aren't covered by insurance, such as cosmetic dentistry. With your AmeriPlan® benefits, you will receive discounts on ALL procedures! "I needed a cap on one of my teeth. My dentist's regular price for a cap is almost $900, but for AmeriPlan® members he charges only $600. So they billed my insurance company and after adjusting for my AmeriPlan discount®, I was left with under $100 out of pocket. They took care of all the details for me, and just sent me a bill for what was left!" -- Kurt Wilkins Note: In some cases, the AmeriPlan benefits will duplicate insurance benefits, so be aware that you won't receive the same duplicate benefits twice.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ameriplan Home Based Career Information

Your Ameriplan® Home Based Career

Thank you for contacting Ameriplan® for information about earning an income from home when you are ready, feel free to call me or request an interview from my website. My name is Nicole Paglia and I'd like to share some great information with you about this wonderful company. I am a Regional Sales Director with the company and I am looking to grow my team with people who are dedicated to finding a home career that actually works. We help many people to work from their home without having to deal with products, inventory, or cold calling.
I find it much easier to provide this information first so you can review it before we actually do the interview. This way instead of you trying to take notes while I tell you about Ameriplan® , I can answer your questions and we can truly discuss whether or not Ameriplan® is a good solution for you. If you'd like talk with me on the phone, please email me back so we can arrange a time.
This email is very long. It has a lot of information in it. Please review this information, follow the links, and either call or email me when you want to schedule a phone interview.

Quick Links for detailed info on the Ameriplan® opportunity
Attend a training call
Visit my business website
Visit my benefits website

Who We Are
Ameriplan® was founded in 1992 and is based out of Plano, Texas. Ameriplan® is registered with the Consumer Health Alliance, US Chamber of Commerce, appointed member of the Direct Sellers Association and the National Association of Dental Plans. Ameriplan® offers it's home based workers* The ability to work exclusively from home either full time or part time* A flexible schedule - set your own hours* A 401K plan (for our leaders)* Health benefits* Accidental death and dismemberment insurance * A savings card to save on dining, automotive costs, shopping and recreationAmeriplan offers discount programs. These programs offer a variety of savings and range from medical and dental expenses, to financial services, legal services, auto services, child protection programs, and many more.
We've found that 70% of Americans are either not insured or under insured and we have over 1.7 million medical/dental members and growing!
With the fastest growing crime in America being identity theft, we find that our SecureNet program helps so many people.
With 800,000 children reported missing each year, we help people protect their families.
and so much more ...Our business is marketing these affordable discount programs, as well as being a recruiter for the company..Our medical and dental programs are not insurance. You don't need a license and really, you don't need to understand the health industry to have a passion for helping people save money! You do not need to become an expert in either insurance or the health industry to work the business.. You are trained and guided by the Freedom At Home Team, with the most successful leaders in the business.In a nutshell what we do is we market Ameriplan® two different ways:

The First Opportunity
We market to people who want to save money by using one of our discount programs. They answer our ad campaign by either calling our toll free number or by registering on our company website. We call these people back and we talk to them for about 10 minutes. We basically follow a very simple short script where we fill out their membership application. We ask them questions like, "Are you interested in a medical/dental program? Or our SecureNet program? Or our Freedom Pass Savings card?", "Are you looking for individual or household coverage?" and "Are you looking for dental or full medical coverage?" We fill out the application and electronically submit it to Ameriplan® . The company takes over from there. Ameriplan® services all the customers we bring in. So we have very little, if any, follow up with the member.

The Second Opportunity
We market Ameriplan® as a business. People, just like you and me, who want to work from their home answer our ad campaign and call our toll free number or they register for more information through our company website. We then call these people back, spend about 15 minutes talking with them, and if they're interested, we enroll them onto our team.

What We Don't Do
There are no products. We never telemarket or cold call anyone. We call people who have requested more information from us (just like you did). We are the "middle man" setting up people's memberships/brokerships with Ameriplan® .

How We Earn an Income From Home
With Ameriplan® , we get paid in two different ways.First, Ameriplan® pays us a commission for every application we submit. For a membership application for a new customer, we receive 30% of what we bring into the company. This is an ongoing monthly commission that we receive as long as that new membership is on the books. Now remember, this is what you get for just typing up their application and submitting it to our corporate office in Plano. However, Ameriplan® services these customers for you. For example, if you enrolled a family of four into our medical/dental program five years ago, each month the family pays their monthly fee, you would receive 30% residual income check each and every month for having done the job one time - years ago - and Ameriplan® answers all their questions on your behalf!For every new teammate you bring on board, as long as they are enrolled, Ameriplan® will give you $45-$60 up front commission and a $15 / month (30%) residual after 2-3 months, depending upon the new teammate's enrollment choices.Commission checks are mailed daily. Put a new piece of business on the books today, and Ameriplan® is cutting you a check tomorrow and mailing it to you. As an example, let's say you helped a family two years ago sign up with our full medical/dental plan you immediately receive a check for $54.00. After that, you received a monthly residual check of $18 / month once that plan is on the books for 3 months. Every month this family pays a $60 premium to Ameriplan® . You receive $18 of that $60. This business really does build up. Imagine if you enrolled 10 new customers a month for the next two years ... for the next five years ... etc. WOW! What if you were to enroll a company onto our medical/dental plan that had 200+ employees!For all new brokers you earn an immediate advanced commission of $45-$60 and then receive $15.00 a month after 2-3 months for them respectively. If you build a team, you can leverage your paycheck with the efforts of your teammates. You can get a 15% override off of their efforts. So you see it's not just you working this business. We really are a team of people working together.

This Business is Yours
You own it. Your paychecks will come from AmeriplanUSA and be addressed to you. You can will this to a spouse or your children and then your residual income checks will be address to them. It's a way you can leave behind a financial legacy and take care of your family. I don't know of any 'job' that will continue to pay your family once you're gone.

I Am A Member Of The Freedom At Home Team
Read about some of your future team members that you will be working with at

Work From Home Qualifications
You must be comfortable talking on the phone and using a computer. It is required that you attend a 1 hour orientation call. It is in the evenings and is offered a several different times during the week. It is also recorded online so you can listen to it from your computer at any time. You can call into it from the comfort of your home. You don't have to go anywhere to attend this meeting. We're looking for someone who can devote at least 2- 3 hours a day to this business. More would be great; if it's less that's okay since we have no quotas, but we are really looking for 2-3 hours a day.

The Benefit Plans
Ameriplan® has over 1.8 million members on these plans. We have five programs that adapt to the needs of any family, ranging from $14.95 / month - $59.95 / month.1. Our individual DVPC Plan for $14.95/month - Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic
2. Our household DVPC Plan for $19.95/month - Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic
3. Our Basic Wellness Plan for $14.95/month 4. Our Total Health Plan for $39.95/month - our medical plan plus the DVPC plan combined
5. Our Total Health Plus Plan - our "Total Health Plan" plus Auto Club, Identity Theft Assistance and Legal Aid
So you can see how if 70% of all Americans don't have health insurance, the unlimited potential and possibilities of your business!In addition, Ameriplan® has two non-health related programs.The Security ProgramOur SecureNet Program offers savings on roadside assistence, legal services, financial services, identity theft help, and child protection services.. Visit for more information. The Savings Card (Freedom Pass)Our Freedom Pass Program offers savings on dining, automotive, shopping, and recreation. Visit for more information.

We Have the Tools To Help You Succeed
We have training calls every day of the week and many are in the evenings - in fact, you can start training right away! Our tool include:
Our websites that we use in our marketing
Our websites for online enrollments
Our tools and our training - I would be your personal mentor to help you with your business
Please remember that all of your training is done from the comfort of your home. You will not have to go anywhere to do this business. As a broker your household receives the dental, vision, prescription, and chiropractic benefits. You can choose to receive our Total Health Plus plan for an additional low fee per month.

Options to Start Your Business
Ameriplan® offers several options to start your home business.Basic Broker - Receives:
Ameriplan® Dental Plus Program - Dental, Vision, Rx, and Chiropractic care for your household
Freedom Pass Savings Card
5 websites that are created and maintained for you so you can work online and have a paperless office
401K Program (once your monthly residual check reaches $1000 per month)
Direct Deposit of your paycheck (after you've been with the company for a while. Before that time, you will receive live paychecks in the mail.)
Daily training calls
24/7 access to training website
Can choose between the free electronic kit or the optional pre-printed kit
Business is month-by-month and can be canceled at any time with a written notice to Ameriplan®
Bonuses for increasing your paycheck
No quotas nor deadline on your business
Training and instruction by top leaders in this company (training is the same for all Basic Brokers, Premier Brokers, and TOP Brokers. It does not matter which way you join the team.)Premier Broker - Receives:
Everything listed in the "Basic Broker" list.
An additional website for the SecureNet program (created and maintained for you).
SecureNet Program (visit for details)
Freedom Pass Plus Program which offers several more discounts than the Freedom Pass Program. (visit for details)

Top Broker - Receives:
Everything listed in the "Basic Broker" and "Premier Broker" lists.
Additional bonuses.
Has a one-time deadline tied to a special bonus. No penalties for missing the deadline; just bonus money for achieving it!

Your Business Kit Options

Ameriplan offers two kits to help you succeed in your home business.

Broker Kit
The first is the Broker Kit, which has everything in it to set up your office at home. The corporate office in Plano has a store where we can purchase additional supplies. The broker kit has an assortment of items from the store - definitely enough to get you started and it has store credit as well. Broker Kit Contents:
AmeriPlan® Discount Programs : What-If DVDs
AmeriPlan® Discount Programs brochures with envelopes
Personalized labels
A DVD that does the entire presentation for you
AmeriPlan® Your Business at Home Magazine
IBO Applications Commission Election Form
(3) $25.00 Sales Aid Certificate (To be used like money when ordering sales aids.)

e-Kit: The second option is the e-Kit. Our e-kit gets you access to the tools you want right away!You will have access to our online tools immediately, including applications, brochures and websites to get your business going the same day.
Access to our training and support is also accessible instantly when you get started with our team. This training is one of the main reasons our team is the fastest growing team within the company.

Please Contact Me
This company has really been a blessing for our family. It has given us a great deal of financial freedom. Please take your time reviewing this information and let me know if this will work out for you and your family. If you're interested in attending some of our training calls you certainly may. The training link is: With the current promotions, now is the time to get started. I believe that knowledge is power and our website discloses EVERYTHING about the opportunity. Take just 5 minutes to evaluate the opportunity. There are webinars, videos, audio links and much more. See if it is the right one for you and your family by visiting Make sure you click on Learn More. Thank you so much for reading this material about Ameriplan® and earning an income from home. If you would like for me to call you please contact me back. I can discuss Ameriplan® and answer all of your questions.If you are seriously considering changing your life, think about this. The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago. The second best time is now.

This is your opportunity to finally get ahead in life, but even better, you can take charge of your future. No one can tell you how much money you can make with this company, no one can fire you or lay you off. You are your own boss. Why not work with a 16 year old company that has a service that people really need. I'm rooting for anyone who has the the desire to really make a life change for the better.
Changing Lives, One at a Time!
If not you, who? If not now when? 2-4 years will go by anyway, will you be in the same place you are now financially? You have the power to change!

Nicole Paglia
Regional Sales Director, Ameriplan® Health / Dental Plans

Home Office ~ 908 998-1536 / Yahoo IM ~ DoubleWAHM
Visit to learn more about the Ameriplan® Home Career.
Visit to get some free work at home career training.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The 10 Best (and Real) Work at Home Careers
Plus The Top 10 Scams To Avoid

If you are still looking for the right work at home career opportunity, perhaps the information below from an article that appeared on Yahoo Finance can help. Did you know that for every one legitimate work from home opportunity there are 50 scams! No wonder why so many of us have been scammed, or are afraid of being scammed.

Franchise Owners of businesses in the health and wellness industry, which is what Ameriplan® is, is considered to be one of the top 10 Best (and Real) Work-at-Home opportunities as stated by Yahoo Finance.

Yahoo Finance Top 10 Work At Home Careers:

10. Virtual Assistant - You must have experience in this field
9. Medical Transcriptionist - Beware of those offering Medical Transcriptionist courses for a fee, most are not legitimate. Also add extra caution; This home career makes the top 10 legit work at home list as well as the top 10 work at home scam list!!!
8. Translator - Those with fluency in more than one language translate audio files or documents.
7. Web Developer/Designer - You must have experience in this field
6. Call Center Representative - You would need to have a constant quiet environment to place or receive calls from
5. Tech Support Specialist - Some call centers also hire technical support specialists to work remotely.
4. Travel Agent - Be Careful as Scams abound in the travel industry. However some business many hire experienced Travel Agents to work from home.
3. Teacher - From post secondary education to elementary schools, there are opportunities for students to learn virtually. Along with that, come opportunities to teach (and tutor) virtually. Experience, a degree and proper state certifications and course requirements will be necessary for this home career.
2. Writer/Editor

And the NUMBER ONE Legitimate home career is.....

1. Franchise Owner
It's a no-brainer: Owning a business can be the road to at-home work. For an initial small investment, sometimes as low as $50-$100, franchises may offer a ready-made business with brand awareness and a proven system already in place. Leslie Truex, founder of a Work At Home Web Site advises us that considering businesses that target the over-50 crowd or the self-employed, businesses that involve health and wellness plans, or Businesses that relate to the "green" movement are most successful!
Legitimacy of a Company Should Be Your
Number One Credential!

AmeriPlan® is located at 5700 Democracy Dr., Plano, Texas 75024. We are almost 20 years old with a proven track record for success! Below are just SOME of our NATIONAL partners and credentials. Get ready to be impressed!

National Association of Dental Plans
Dunn and Bradstreet
Consumer Health Alliance
US Chamber of Commerce
Parent Magazine
US News and World Report
American Pregnancy Association
Morley Safer with 60 Minutes
Partnered with Dozens of Fortune 500 Companies - Sears, Target, Walmart, JCPenny's, Lenscrafters, Publix, Alberstons, Costco, Kmart, CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid and MORE
Partnership with the FBI (yes, this is true. One of the plans we offer Americans is in partnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigation - can't get more impressive than this now can it?)

Choosing the right business for a home career is very important. Because of this we believe that the most important thing for you at this point is to get all the information you can about working from home with Ameriplan® . We want you to have all the details up front as well as have all your questions answered. For this reason we have created an informational overview call which goes over all the details of working from home with Ameriplan® . Please take a few moments to listen to this overview. Jot down all your questions as you listen. Then, call me back and I will answer all of your questions first. Then we can chat for a few minutes to see of Ameriplan® is a good fit for you as well. If it is, we can get you started working right away. If it isn't, that's ok too. We want to make sure Ameriplan® is a perfect fit for you! If for some reason it's not, hopefully we will part as friends. Either way we wish you all the best and much success and happiness in your future!

Overview Call: 616-712-1118

My Home Office: (908)998-1536

Don't Forget to scroll down to see the top 10
work at home scams!

I am making my dreams come true - I can help you achieve yours. Contact me if you would like to learn more, have questions, or want to get started right away.

Top 10 Work At Home Scams To Avoid

10. Craft Assembly 9. Medical Billing 8. Email/Rebate Processing 7. "A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!" 6. "Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job! 5. Envelope Stuffing 4. "Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!" 3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)2. Chain Letters/Emails ("Make Money Fast") 1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (HUGE SCAM)

Still Not 100% Sure Yet? Here's more!

Ameriplan is In the News!

Just recently, AmeriPlan® was mentioned in a story done by CNN. This story talks about a lady who is now working with AmeriPlan® , but had been scammed by another business before she started with us. Click HERE to read the story.
American® Pregnancy Association's website released an article recommending pregnant women use Ameriplan® Health for their healthcare needs. CLICK HERE to learn more.
Ameriplan® was mentioned in the May 2008 issue of Parent Magazine as one of the "Top 25 Ways to Save Money On Healthcare" To view that article click here